
How To Upload A Lot Of Files To Github

This commodity is solely for newbies in Github regarding how to push large files to your Github repository.

GitHub does not allow us to upload files larger than 25 megabytes through the browser. If you try you may get an fault every bit follows.

Github error message when try to upload large files

Effigy 01: Error message (Image source: Screenshot by the Author)

Nevertheless, yous can push button larger files into your GitHub repository using the git bash terminal equally follows, in just 8 steps.

Step 01

Download and install Git on your pc.

Download link:-

Step 02

Then download and install GitLFS on your pc.

Download link:

Step 03

Now clone your GitHub repository to your local machine.

For this,

Get-go go to your repository and copy the 'clone/download' URL.

Copy the clone or download URL

Figure02: Copy the clone or download URL (Image source: Screenshot by the Author)

Next, create a new folder in your pc wherever yous prefer: this is to clone the copy of your GitHub repository to your pc.

And then correct-click the background and click 'Git Fustigate Here' as follows.

Opening Git Bash terminal

Figure 03: Opening Git Bash (Paradigm source: Screenshot by the Author)

Then run the post-obit control in the bash terminal opened.

                      $            git            clone                          link you lot copied                    Eg:- $ git clone        

Close the bash final and, at present you lot have successfully cloned your GitHub repository to your local machine.

The repository named NewRepository has cloned successfully

Figure 04: The repository named NewRepository has cloned to the local machine (Paradigm source: Screenshot by the Writer)

Step 04

Go to within the cloned repository. (If you desire to upload the file to another folder already created inside the repository, then go to that folder)

Correct-click the background and again click 'Git Fustigate Here'.

Run the following command

                      $            git lfs rail            ".fileextension"          Eg: If I want to upload a pdf file, and so
$ git lfs rails ".pdf"

Step 05

So copy the file you want to upload, into repository or folder in the repository.

Step 06

Then run the control,

                      $            git add            filename.fileextension                    Eg:- $ git add            TheGuid.pdf                  

Pace 07

Nosotros should log into GitHub to button the file to the repository, run the post-obit commands.

                      $            git config --global user.e-mail            ""          Eg:- $ git config --global ""        

For this use your email accost used in Github account.

                      $            git config --global            "your name"          Eg:- $ git config --global "George Bernard"        

For this use your name in Github account. You can find your email and name in the settings of the Github account.

Then a window will pop out asking your Github email/user name and password. Enter the credentials and submit them.

Step 08

Now run the following command.

                      $            git commit -m            "commit bulletin"          Eg:- $ git commit -m "add TheGuid.pdf"        

Next run,

                      $            git button origin master                    This command will outset the uploading the file.        

You will discover the progress of the uploading in the bash terminal as follows

progress of file upload shown in bash terminal

Effigy 05: Progress of file upload (Epitome source: Screenshot by the Author)

Afterwards uploading is finished, you lot may notice the file is uploaded to your GitHub repository, successfully.

How To Upload A Lot Of Files To Github,


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